Epiphany 2 | Year A

Brothers and Sisters, 
As we continue to journey through this season of Epiphany, 
where God makes himself known in unexpected places, 
let us pray for the needs of the church, 
our community, and the world. 
Believing that God will make himself known to us now.

O God, we humbly gather 
in awe of your mystery and majesty;
amazed that you chose to be represented as a child.
Help us remember how highly you esteem children. 

For the leaders of the Church, those in authority,
and powerful men and women of all nations, 
we pray a childlike innocence come over them. 
Grant them a willingness to learn and grow, even in the face of their responsibility. 

Draw them towards each other in peace,
rather than away in conflict. 
And may all people, Your people, follow suit.

Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.

As we face frightful times around the globe, 
let us look to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
as our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer.  

Our Father, who spoke all creation into existence,
Grant us the grace and wisdom to protect what You have gifted us with.
Guide the decision-makers and the decisions we make each day
to be good stewards of Your creation.

For relationships that have struggled through tension, 
and beliefs that once came easy but are now shrouded in confusion and doubt, 
we pray You remind us of our hope that, in Your time, 
You will make all things new.

O God, we give You thanks for the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.
As we pause to remember his life and legacy,
may we strive to embody his mission:
equality for all, care for the poor, and a commitment to non-violence.

Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.

O God, we stand at the beginning of a new year sensing the buzz and excitement,
our days pregnant with possibility.
Remind us to make time for silence, and quiet moments with You. 
Each year goes by faster than the last.
Help us to be present and mindful with how we spend our time. 

Let us take a deep breath, 
a breath filled with God’s peace and understanding,
the breath that calms and clears our mind, setting our hearts to rest.
And let us exhale a breath of blessing, of mercy, and righteousness, 
a breath of edification of all who cross our paths.

Through us, Your creations, may You be glorified.

All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.