Proper 9 | Year C

God of salvation,
who sent your Son to seek out and save what is lost,
hear our prayers
on behalf of those who are lost in our day,
receiving these petitions and thanksgivings
with your unending compassion.

God of all nations and peoples,
your Son commanded his disciples
to preach and heal throughout the world.
Grant us, by the power of the Holy Spirit,
the zeal to proclaim the good news of peace and justice,
and gather all humanity into life with you

O God, we give you thanks
For all the blessings of this life
For family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and strangers,
Who nurture us so that the love of God may grow in us.
We pray that your love, your word, like a seed,
May grow to produce good fruit in us.
May your love be like a seed, taking root and growing strong.

Leader: Lord, in Your mercy

All: Hear our prayer

We pray for the leaders of various nations and cities,
That they may lead with strong hearts, gentle hands, and generous spirits,
With compassion and mercy,
With wisdom and grace.
May our leaders reflect your will,
guiding their actions and decisions.

We pray for those who serve in harm’s way,
For those who live in dangerous places,
Those who live in areas of war and strife,
Those who live in fear,
For those who carry the anxiety of unemployment,
Questioning how they will pay their bills or buy food,
For all who struggle to find dignity in life.
Grant that your grace would bring peace and safety to all people.
May your love be like a seed, taking root and growing strong.

Leader: Lord, in Your mercy

All: Hear our prayer

We pray for the city of Tulsa
and the rising number of violent crimes across our neighborhoods.
Grant us a readiness to share the burdens of our community,
A willingness to attempt solutions to social problems,
And the zeal to join our efforts for the common good.
Put an end to gun violence wherever it manifests,
And help us to trust in your justice and mercy over and against
The myth of redemptive violence.

O God, we pray for our law enforcement officers,
that you would keep them from the temptations
To apply force improperly,
To use their authority unwisely,
To rely on the instruments of coercion exclusively.
Give them strength as our defenders
Give them gentleness when they serve those who are hurt or neglected
Give them sympathy for those whom they serve.

Life-giving God,
heal our lives,
that we may acknowledge your wonderful deeds
and offer you thanks from generation to generation
through Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
May your love be like a seed, taking root and growing strong.

All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.